Dr. Frank Tortorice
Frank Tortorice, MD, ABIM, IFMCP, is a Primary Care Physician and has been practicing Internal Medicine in the state of California for about 20 years. He is particularly interested in treating Type II Diabetes and other health care issues resulting from Obesity, but works with all kinds of patients.
Dr. T graduated the University of Rome, School of Medicine and followed up with postgraduate studies at the Western Reserve Care System in Youngstown, Ohio. He is a Diplomate of both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Pediatrics. His many awards and honors include the Physician of the Year Excellence Award given by the California State Assembly.
California Medical Society
The San Mateo County Medical Association
The American College of Physicians
The American Academy of Pediatrics
The Official Physician of the Consulate General of Italy in San Francisco
Dr. T believes in effective, individualized health care for all of his patients — health care that addresses underlying causes of ill health in addition to alleviating symptoms. One visit with Dr T and you’ll know he cares. He listens to his patients’ about their health concerns.And communicates clearly so he and his patients can work together as a team. The majority of Dr. T’s patients have been with him for many years.
When you visit Dr T, he will use Standard Diagnostic Tests and Procedures right in his clinic.
Dr. Tortorice offers a Medical Weight Loss program, and Dietary Supplements for health maintenance and disease prevention.
Personal Note From Dr. T
How is my approach different?
I believe that finding the root causes of health problems is the key to true healing. I also believe the human body has amazing healing abilities.
Because I personally know how challenging it can be to find guidance and answers when it comes to health challenges, you’ll find that my approach is different than others you may have tried.
For starters, when patients come to see me, I’m not looking for a quick fix solution or a way to simply cover up the symptoms (ie. give you a medication and send you home).
Instead, I work with you to uncover the deeper reasons you may be experiencing health issues, and we find the most effective, most natural, and most permanent options for your health.
The goal is not to get you medicated, but to get you well so that you don’t need medications.
Another difference you might notice when you become a patient is that I spend time with you. You are more than your lab work (though that is an important aspect of our Functional Medicine approach) and your chronic health problems are likely the result of more than one system in your body malfunctioning. When I work with you, we look at your health from all angles and we find all the underlying health issues that may be causing your symptoms.
And when you take this holistic, integrated approach to health, some really great things happen.
For example, it’s not uncommon for people with diabetes to reduce or get off insulin (and lose weight naturally in the process). And I’ve seen hundreds of patients end decades-long struggles with autoimmune conditions.
Unexpected benefits
Just a fair warning, when you start looking at your health from a Functional Medicine perspective, there may be some positive side-effects. Things like no longer having brain fog or memory problems, having more energy than you’ve had in years, losing weight without dieting, no longer having digestive issues, increased libido, just to name a few.
The healing journey really is remarkable when you have the right approach. And that is why I love my work. I get to help you solve your health problems so that you can be present for the people you love and fully participate in your life.